About Us

In 1984, Major George Malone, The Deputy Grand Master, was dispatched to Bermuda by the Grand Master, The Lord Donegal, to lay the groundwork of establishing a “fourth lodge” which was a prerequisite for a Provincial Grand Lodge. Many meetings were held during that visit and plans moved forward under the leadership of The Grand Inspectors, Very Worshipful Brother George Arthur DeShields and subsequently Very Worshipful Brother Lawrence L. Clarke, with both regretfully passing to the “Grand Lodge Above” before the constitution of the fourth lodge could be effected.

Right Worshipful Brother Dr. Clarence E. James, having succeeded the Right Worshipful Brother Clarke, deputized the then Worshipful Brother, Gerard W. Bean and charged him to complete the work that the previous Grand Inspectors has commenced. The administrative and the physical tasks of forming the fourth lodge were accomplished in 1987. This lodge was named Friendship and Harmony Lodge # 894.

Thus Friendship & Harmony Lodge was consecrated years ago on Thursday, December 03, 1987 and is the youngest of four Irish Craft Lodges operating in Bermuda.

With the formation of Friendship & Harmony Lodge, Bermuda was considered a Province, which made it possible for The Provincial Grand Lodge of Bermuda to be concecrated two years later in 1989.

Friendship and Harmony is the yougest of 4 Lodges operating in Bermuda under the Grand Lodge of Ireland.

Regular meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month at the Lough Memorial Hall in Warwick.

Emergency meetings are held there on the third Friday. No meetings are held in July, August and September when the Lodge is said to be in recess. Traditionally Lodge members utilize this recess period to visit overseas Lodges.

Although Friendship & Harmony Lodge is the youngest Irish Lodge, it was still able to accomplish a few "firsts" including:

  • travelling to Ireland and performing a 3rd Degree at the Grand Lodge of Ireland
  • issuing lectures to Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts and allowing them to participate in the degree work
  • establishing a web presence with this website
  • encouraging the use of online banking for payment of dues
  • use of online banking for bill payments and donations to loacal charities
  • using technology to meet virtually as a COVID-19 counter measure

Friendship & Harmony Lodge has its installation ceremony in March. Check the Installations page for the exact date for all local Installations.

Our Principal Officers

Worshipful Master

Evan Scott Smith

Worshipful Master

Senior Warden

Allen Walker Jr.

Senior Warden

Junior Warden

Anthony Lloyd Evans

Junior Warden

February Birthdays

The following Brethren celebrate a birthday this month.

  • John Leon Robinson
  • Clifford Stanley Roberts Jr.
  • George H Hayward
  • Wendell Eugene Hayward
  • John Hill
  • Neville S Tyrell

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Find out what we will be doing at or next meeting.